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Expansion to the West and the Mexican


            Unfortunately the Mexican people suffered greatly because of the expansion of America to the West. Prior to American growth Hispanic's held most of the land. In our class textbook, The American Experiment, it's quoted that by 1860 Whites had control of every ranch or piece of land worth having. Mexican's were promised "free enjoyment and liberty of their property," but in the end white politicians, lawyers and businessmen stole their land by fair and un-fair means. In an attempt to fight off the whites some Mexicans tried taking their white aggressors to court to win back their land. The courts usually ruled on the side of the Mexican, but they dragged the trial on until the Mexican was penniless and forced to sell the land or give up the fight. .
             There were other barriers placed to keep the Mexican man down. Hispanics were paid less the whites doing the same work. In the gold rush, Anglos operated the machines while the Mexican man did dangerous manual work in the mines. The life of a White man versus that of a Mexican man was much higher. Mexicans were also subjected to the foreign Miners Tax, dwindling their already lowered wages.
             Some Hispanics avoided this fate by aligning themselves with the Anglos. They consisted of a very small portion of well-to-do Mexicans called the Ricos. Most on the other hand suffered greatly. As a response to this persecution, Mexican men in New Mexico organized into a group called "Las Gorras Blancas" translated to "The White Caps," called this because they wore a white hats and masks. Las Gorras Blancas would go riding at night and burn down Whites haystacks and broke fences. Occasionally they would be come violent enough to burn down barns or houses, but usually they were limited to more menacing then violent acts.
             It is a privilege to live in this country today, but unfortunately the people of our country have a history of stepping on the backs of others to get what they want.

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