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             Heredity . Your genetic makeup may make you more susceptible to ear damage. .
             Some medications . Drugs such as the antibiotic gentamicin can damage the inner ear. .
             Some illnesses . Diseases or illnesses that result in high fever, such as meningitis, may damage the cochlea. .
             For some people, hearing loss may result from a gradual buildup of hard wax that blocks the ear canal and prevents conduction of sound waves. Wax blockage is one of the most common causes of hearing loss among people of all ages. .
             Prevention .
             These steps can help you prevent noise-induced hearing loss:.
             Protect your ears in the workplace . Specially designed earmuffs that resemble earphones can protect your ears by bringing most loud sounds down to an acceptable level. Over-the-counter or custom-molded earplugs made of plastic or rubber also can effectively protect your ears from damaging noise. .
             Have your hearing tested . Consider regular hearing tests if you work in a noisy environment. Regular testing of your ears can provide early detection of hearing loss. Knowing you've lost some hearing means you're in a position to take steps to prevent further hearing loss. .
             Avoid recreational risks . Activities such as riding a snowmobile, trapshooting and listening to extremely loud music can damage your ears. Wearing earplugs during noisy recreational activities can protect your ears. Turning down the volume when listening to music can help you avoid damage to your hearing. .
             Coping Skills .
             Here are steps you can take to cope with hearing loss:.
             Face the person with whom you're having a conversation. .
             Turn off background noise, such as a television, that may interfere with conversation. .
             Ask others to speak clearly. .
             In public, such as a restaurant or social gathering, choose a place to talk that is away from noisy areas. .
             Have You Heard? .
             Hearing Loss and Older Adults .
             Hearing loss among older adults has been described as epidemic.

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