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The Chiricahua Apache: People of the Rising Sun


Hunting game and.
             other animals was the Chiricahua's main method of survival, which this vast area they.
             traversed provided in abundance (Cole 41-2). Deer was the main source of food for the.
             Chiricahuas. The buckskin from the dear was also of value for the tribe as it was used for.
             most of the clothing (Cole 42). The Chiricahuas had different uses for different animals.
             Other than using the meat as a food source, the bones and antlers of different animals.
             could be used as weapons or for decorations such as headdresses or war helmets (Cole.
             42). The hides of the animals were also used differently. Some hides, because of their.
             thickness, were used for footwear, blankets and winter gear, while others were favored for.
             everyday clothing (Cole 42). The bow was the favored weapon for hunting but was.
             eventually replaced by the gun (Cole 44). The hunting parties of the Chiricahua were.
             usually small and the hunters were often related. This allowed for hunters to keep most of.
             the goods within their family but they were obliged to share with other members of the.
             camp who were unable of providing for themselves (Cole 44-5). .
             Another productive method of acquiring goods for the Chiricahua's was raiding.
             farmers, ranchers and other tribes (Cole 48). The Chiricahua relied on raiding for food and.
             supplies and also for goods that would eventually be traded for other goods. This was.
             considered a necessity for survival for the Chiricahua (Cole 49). Raids could often result in.
             war between tribes because of injuries or deaths the tribe being raided would sustain(Cole.
             48). .
             The Chiricahua have certain beliefs and practices when it comes to medicines and.
             healing. The use of sagebrush was important to Chiricahua in certain rituals. Michael.
             Moore states that people would "use the smoke of burning leaves or the steam rising from.
             moist sagebrush on coals to clear the air (as it were) of pestilence and spirits of the dead-.
             (qtd. in Stockel 14).

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