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The Destruction of Earth


A rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide will result in an increase in the surface temperature of Earth.
             The increase of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has led to yet another environmental crisis. When carbon dioxide is absorbed by atmospheric water, along with nitric and sulfuric acid, this creates acid rain. "The main sources of acid rain are to be found in the industrialized areas of the northern hemisphere" (Acid Rain 13). Acid rain was recognized in the bodies of waters around these industrialized areas. Acid rain has its effects on the natural environment and industrialized areas. The acidity levels in bodies of water have had a severe impact upon marine life. Mature fish died from this but the greatest impact was on the reproduction of fish. "As a result, fish populations in many rivers and lakes in eastern North America, Britain and Scandinavia have declined noticeably in the past two to three decades and hundreds of lakes are now completely devoid of fish" (Acid Rain 14).
             With most people oblivious to the crisis in our environment, it is up to the government to establish innovative programs to help preserve the Earth. "The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is calling for proposals to demonstrate technologies and process innovations that will save energy, improve efficiency, and minimize waste in energy-intensive industries" (Gaboury 7). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency started a program called Energy Star that helps reduce pollution by using energy-efficient products. "In 2000 alone, ENERGY STAR helped save enough energy to power 10 million homes and reduced pollution equivalent to taking 10 million cars off the road" (Energy Star 1). Energy Star has over thirty energy-efficient products, which include computers, refrigerators, air conditioners and televisions. "ENERGY STAR is an innovative government/industry partnership that makes it easy for businesses and consumers to save money and protect the environment" (Energy Star 2).

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