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Parliamentary vs presidential


The House of Representatives is where the bills regarding money are made. The senate governs foreign policies and executive appointments. The senate's function is to propose the bills and send them to the committee and then to both houses. These houses then examine them and send them to the president to either veto or accept. The house of representatives consists of members that can introduce bills at any time, political leaders depend on this because they will introduce bills that look good to the voting public thus they are more likely to be voted in. This furthers the dispersion of power.
             The consequences of a diffused system such as the American government are: its hard to organize an opposing leader, its hard to point out who is responsible for any problems that arise, they end up playing the "blame game". Large industries pay off the government to get decisions passed. And this all happens while the voters are left in the dark not knowing what is going on. Also, the American government does not function in favor of the citizen's interests instead they are in favor of private interests; for example they do not have a secure health care system or educational system. $19.9 million working Americans cannot afford health care because there are so many different companies providing drugs at such high prices and there's no health plan for the citizens. Another disadvantage of this system is the fact that the citizens without money and organization are left out in the cold without direction and without a chance for survival. This is because the government budget is allocated towards the military and elections instead of programs that will assist the citizens. This lack of social assistance widens the gap between the rich and the poor and increases inequality.
             Overall the purpose of the dispersion of power is to increase liberty and decrease the likelihood of power to be abused. However, the main question is, is freedom really being enhanced? Well this depends on where you are in the social class system and whether or not the American Political System will benefit you.

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