When it comes to expressing my creative outlets through writing, I think back on .
those things that have always touched my life. I've always gotten a huge inspiration .
from music, classic literature, or just my own life experience. Whether it be the tragedy .
of my past or the longing to see what awaits me in the near future, my writing has been .
constant enough i can count on it to help me release all my emotions. A vast majority of .
what poured from my soul onto pen and paper happened during adolescence. Along .
with social intimidation, I had experiences that could only be conveyed out like other .
writer's who inspired me to do so. Most of those feelings that were hidden or discovered .
through other works have been expressed in poetic form, with short fiction coming into .
play. Essays have never really been a problem, but are among a small group that I have .
either never had much experience in or have never really enjoyed. To say that writing on .
that which you do not know about is difficult, is an understatement, as I have learned .
time and again in recent years. Not only is there no real passion for that which I do not .
enjoy, if there is not feeling or depth, then I just can not find myself to form strong .
thoughts on it. To feel is to release. If given adaquate time to let that knowledge and .
passion flow from me like I know that it can, I think that any project, whether it be essay .
or poetry, or just random thoughts, can easily be expressed. .