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             Education is the process of gaining knowledge. One of the chief and foremost ways of gaining knowledge is through formal schooling. There are several dimensions of formal schooling which includes elementary education, middle - school education, high - school education and college education. As students are endeavoring the task of formal schooling; they are faced with four kinds of pressure. The four pressures that students face are economic pressure, peer pressure, parental pressure and self induced pressure. .
             Parental pressure faces many students today. Parental pressure can affect students in negative and in positive ways. Many students have parents who put pressure on them to make high grades and some of the pressure can be tough. .
             Peer pressure also faces many students today. Drugs, alcohol, partying and some other negative things by peers can involve many students. Students need to learn to say no and to stand up for themselves. Also there is a positive peer pressure. Students would want to make good grades and be more involved if they have friends who are involved in things and great students. .
             Economic pressure is a pressure that many students face. I believe college students face this pressure more than any other student. Many college students struggle in college because of having to work either part time or full time during college. Because of working, students' times are limited to study. .
             Self-induced pressure is also a pressure that students face. Many students drive themselves very hard to make good grades and to accomplish many things. Sometimes it can lead to burn out. Students need to learn to take their time and not to overload themselves. .

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