Community policing is defined as any method of .
policing that includes a police officer assigned to the .
same area, meeting and working with the residents and .
business people who live and work in the beat area. The .
citizens and police work together to identify the problems .
of the area and to collaborate in workable resolutions of .
the problems. This Moves neighborhoods and communities .
toward solving their own problems, and encouraging citizens .
to help and look out for each other. To be successful, .
community policing requires the total commitment of the .
police, citizens and subgroups like business, media, .
political leaders and social service agencies and other .
institutions of the community. It is proactive, .
decentralized and personalized; it is full-service and .
works toward the goal of removing predators from the .
streets and solving long-term problems by dealing with the .
causes, not just reacting to the symptoms. Community .
policing is based on the joint effort of citizens and .
police toward solving neighborhood problems which in turn .
satisfies the expressed needs of citizens and enhance the .
residents" quality of life. The role of the community .
police officer is equivalent to the role of the critical .
social scientist, the facilitator and catalyst of problem .
solving activities. Through self-education and educating .
the residents, the officer plays both the expert and .
educator role without forcing the expert opinion upon the .
residents. The community policing officer assists the .
residents by meeting with them individually and in groups .
in hopes that communication will lead to some consensus of .
accepted action will be agreed upon and implemented by the .
residents. .
In the article I do believe Community Policing was an .
effective use of Grand Havens police department. As .
stated in the article, "Community policing works in Grand .
Haven because the officers on patrol and the citizens of .