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Extraterrestrial Life-Does it exist


On 18 February 2002, while conducting repairs on the Hubble Telescope, one of the astronauts exclaimed that he had seen a bright flash of light off in the distance. So unusual was the incident that the astronaut thought that he was is seeing things, but his partner then confirms the sighting. Seconds later one of them observes: "There's two of them.there's another one. What are they"? Apparently the flashing lights continue. One of the astronauts makes a joke about them: "Who'd be taking pictures?- he wonders. The other responds: "It's just gone past in front of us. Further lights! Gone up!- (http://www.econtact.net/newsite/FullText.asp?id=507). Their genuine surprise suggests this is a situation they have never encountered before, and one of the astronauts actually questions whether he is hallucinating. The fact is that whatever they are looking at is quite obviously more than just a pair of malfunctioning diodes on a control panel. Interestingly NASA declined to comment on the incident. .
             One of the more famous UFO sightings occurred just outside of Roswell New Mexico on the evening of July 3, 1947 when Dan Wilmot, a respected business owner, and his wife were sitting on their front porch when they saw a bright saucer shaped object with glowing green lights, moving across the sky at incredible speed. Dan Wilmot estimated that the unidentified flying object was about 20-25 feet across. The flying object appeared from the Southeast and disappeared to the Northwest. Dan Wilmot reported his unusual sighting to the Roswell Daily Record. (http://www.cufos.org/airforce.htm). This is the major incident that initiated a joint investigation between the Air Force and the United States Government, called Project Sign - 1947 through 1949.
             The Hudson River valley of New York state was the site of one of the most widely witnessed and extended episodes of UFO activity ever. Literally thousands of witnesses observed the objects, and many photos were taken.

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