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Since the Dawn of Time


             Since the dawn of time, history has been witness, millions of times over, to one of the most heart wrenching sacrifices that can be made by a human being. It has happened in every war whether it was the Roman crusades, the Spanish-American War, the Boer War; the American Civil War and in this past century alone; The World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and countless conflicts such as those in the middle East, Bosnia and now Afghanistan. The circumstances remain the same. History has always called upon the unselfish to give their greatest gifts to the cause.
             Regardless of the battle, regardless of the reason, history has seen the mothers of soldiers surrender their precious children over to the fight for freedom, independence and basic human rights. With the heaviest of hearts, they stand by as their sons and daughters march off on a dangerous journey not knowing if they will ever return home again.
             In the past some families never learn the fate of the children that marched bravely off to defend their country or the countries of others who cannot defend themselves. Now with the advancement of media technology battles are broadcast into the living rooms of families across the world, showing the victories and defeats and even the casualties as they happen. It also gives a forum to those who wish to debate the morality of what the soldiers are doing that puts their lives in danger. Now as in the past, those with little or no real physical connection to the troops and the battles they face, strut their self important views from the safety of their hometowns or their elected political offices. .
             Mothers of soldiers do not want to listen to debates between politicians and news media and civilian bystanders about whether or not their children are fighting for the right reasons. Mothers of soldiers have to believe that their children are being sacrificed for just causes. Those who do not watch their children leave for battle do not understand the pride and the fear that fills a military mother's heart.

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