He quickly moved up the corporate ladder at Gucci and in 1992 he was assigned the position of Design Director (Swanson). .
Like any other corporation, Gucci has a small group of people that oversees production and makes the important decisions for the company. These people are the executive officers of the company. Gucci's top executive officers have collaborated to create a management committee called the Gucci Group. This committee consist of eleven individuals, including Mr. Tom Ford, who is directly under the company's president and CEO Domenico De Sole ("Gucci Group-).
To get a better picture of what Tom Ford's actual responsibilities are it is necessary to know exactly what the Gucci Group's functions are. They are responsible for approving all designs, marketing plans and making sure production runs smoothly and efficiently. At the end of 2000 the Gucci Group oversaw 9,223 employees and had 288 directly operated stores. Not only is Ford a member of the Gucci Group he is also the Group's Creative Director. With this title come many duties. He is responsible for and oversees the images of all Gucci brands, including clothing, perfumes, ect. with the exception of Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney, and Blenciaga, whose images are overseen by their own creative directors. He is also Chief Designer for Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent labels where he manages product design, product positioning, communication strategy and store design ("Gucci Group-). Ford is also responsible for creating and caring out the company's image and its advertising campaigns. To add to his responsibilities, in 2000 Gucci brought in the acquisition of Yves Saint Laurent Couture and Sanofi Beaute. Here Ford works with the many creative teams of YSL to define and maintain the overall image and positioning of the brand. This includes all product categories and communication activities (Swanson). In 1995 Ford created a series of new, modern ad campaigns for the company.