Most researchers agree that the vast majority of juvenile prostitutes are under age sixteen when they first engage in full time prostitution and the average age for the first act of prostitution is fourteen. Very little data is available on the involvement of juveniles younger than these two ages. It is unknown though the first age prostitution was tried and the age of the juvenile that took it on as a full time trade. .
Adolescents and teenagers who are homeless on the streets of the cities of the United States are both vulnerable and highly exploitable. Within a very short period of time on the streets, most youths are offered money for sex. Protection is rarely discussed and when it is the youths are offered additional money for unprotected sex. These children learn very quickly that their bodies can earn those cash, and in their world where small amounts of cash can be lifesaving an almost impossible to come by, this knowledge, if not used immediately, is stored away for a more desperate time.
Even though the most common form of sexual exploitation of child prostitution is a prostitute with a pimp, most youths are approached by the "Johns," directly on the street, in public shopping centers, or at a park. "Johns" are the customers of the young prostitutes. Prostitution among homeless teens is an equally viable source of income for both boys and girls. Oral sex by men on boys can earn them thirty dollars. Anal sex can be more lucrative. Sexual exploitation often comes in the form of "survival prostitution" in other words, sex in return for basic needs such as clothing, food, shelter, and friendship (Cwanya).
The vast majority of female teen prostitutes have pimps, pimp boyfriends, or someone else in a position of authority and control. The pimp finds customers for the prostitute in return for a portion of the prostitute's earnings. Only minorities of juvenile female prostitutes are in business for themselves, as opposed to the majority of male prostitutes who generally are independent.