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People are Different, but Love is the Same


Foster homes are generally overcrowded and in high demand all the time. The love foster parents offer to unwanted children is tremendous, but stretched too thin to do much good. Group homes are often unstable and usually temporary. This creates great uneasiness in children who are shuffled from one home to another. They are unable to form the relationship skills that are important to learn at a young age to be successful in the world of an aspiring adult. A child in need of affection doesn't care where or from whom it comes, as long as they receive it.
             Adoption is a strenuous and tedious task at times. There are tons of forms to be filled out, background checks, endless questions, and relentless prying eyes into one's life. Nevertheless, there are thousands of people in the world who want to open their doors and share their love with a child. There are couples who may be barren and are unable to have children of their own. There could also be couples who are able to have children, but feel the urge to help better the life of an existing child. And lastly, there are also same-.
             sex couples who have the same amount of love to give a child, but are physically unable to bear one. Any, or all, of these couples could have the same backgrounds, same financial stability, and same surrounding environments, but yet the same-sex couple would be highly scrutinized for their desire to adopt a child by both the public and the adoption agency. It is still illegal to adopt children in same-sex relationships in most states. The courts have endlessly tried to rule that a same-sex marriage or relationship is inappropriate and an unacceptable environment in which to raise a child. This point then raises a question. Is it better to let a child live on the streets and fend for themselves, or to allow them to live in a stable environment with loving adults (regardless of sexual preference). Parents with positive influences in children's lives are better than none, although it makes hard-headed, close-minded people uncomfortable.

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