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            PepsiCo, a leader in the beverage and snack food industry, is a strong company that consists of Frito-Lay, Pepsi-Cola, Gatorade/Tropicana and the Quaker Oats Company. With revenues topping 25 billion, available in over 200 countries and employing over 142,000 people, PepsiCo is a company striving to maintain their position in the beverage and snack food business. Currently they hold the #1 spot in snack foods and the #2 spot in soft drink sales. Their commitment to their stockholders, employees, and customers has made them one of the top companies to work for. Can PepsiCo stay at the top of their game and be around to compete in the beverage and snack food industry? To answer that question you have to start at the beginning to see where PepsiCo came from, where it is going and how will it get there. .
             In 1898, Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist in North Carolina, developed a carbonated drink by mixing kola nut extract, vanilla and rare oils into what he would call Brad's Drink. In 1902, renaming Brad's Drink to Pepsi-Cola, Caleb Bradham acquired the patent to trademark his concoction that he claimed was "Exhilarating, invigorating and aids indigestion". Pepsi continued to grow during this time with new slogans and logos but in 1920 when the price of sugar increased to twenty-six cents per pound Caleb thought it would go higher and bought large stocks in sugar, when the market slowed sugar was selling for two cents a pound and ultimately led to his company going bankrupt. Three years later a man by the name of Roy Megargel bought the Pepsi trademark but unfortunately in only a few short years it would go bankrupt again. Resurrected by Charles G. Guth, the president of Loft, Inc. these two companies would merge to form Pepsi-Cola. .
             By 1932 a young man named Elmer Doolin had started a new industry in America which would become Frito's corn chips. Around the same time another man by the name of Herman Lay would start his potato chip company, using his car to distribute them.

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