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Islamic Feminism


This is natural and is amply demonstrated by the fact that most of the rulings of the Qur'an regarding women were sent down as restrictions on at men with a view to preventing them from transgressing against women, as is their natural disposition and their actual practice in many societies. Only a few of the Qur'anic injunctions impose restrictions on women.
             What about the veil or, less romantic but more real, the Muslim dress code? While the veil is often regarded as a strong cultural symbol, the issue of the hijab appears to have become entangled in the wider issues of class, imperialism and nationalism. This can be seen in how the Islamic world would often respond to issues of colonial ascendancy and class division by religious revivalism. In many ways, veiling has come to be a strong symbol of resistance to colonialism. Islam, as a whole, is described in the Qur'an as a religion of the center balancing the needs and freedom of the individual with the good of the society. .
             Women have the right to work and mix together as long as that right is not abused, hurting the society as a whole. This implies that the environment in which they see and talk to one another should be a clean respectable environment where sexual temptation is practically eliminated. Some westerners, and regrettably, some Muslims, take this to imply locking up the women or hiding them in veils. The whole idea of modesty in dress is to ensure that both sides are not distracted by physical appearances. The dress code applies equally to men and women. Both should not look sexually inviting. Though this dress code and the reasoning behind it may not seem acceptable to us Americans, it would improve the chances for a better family-oriented society where men and women treat each other with mutual respect as human beings, rather than as sex objects. These are the general requirements for the Muslim dress code for men and women.

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