The Chinese have a very intricate culture not living up to those stereotypes.
Native Americans are the other group in which have been in the U.S. for quit some time. Although they are known as Native Americans as a whole there are many different tribes that make up this group called Natives. These different tribes can be very different in the way that they practice their culture and traditions. Since not all can be examined I will talk about the Native Americans in general. These Natives are very in touch with nature and their spiritual side. The Native Americans value women and see them as being an extension of mother earth and Mother Nature. Native Americans rely on their spirituality and take it very seriously. They are a culture that has been very misinterpreted over the years due to its obvious differences than most other cultures. .
The Asian Americans have had many things written on them through out the years. They are a group that has been through many rough times to get to the status they are at. A person who obviously did their homework put an article I read on them together. Although the article was not based on personal experience it had taken many different sources collaborated and compiled this article. The article states the different kinds of Asian immigrant.
women in the US. It speaks of how Asian women migrated here and the hard ships that they endure. These Asian women their whole lives were taught the rules of their culture that constantly restricted them from living a free life. These women their whole lives are told to follow and abide by their husbands. They are taught to be submissive, withdrawn and to hold off on putting their own input in on any subject. Fighting and conflict are looked down upon by the Asian culture so the women if in disagreement with their husbands are not allowed to say a word. The women are so confined by the restrictions of their culture that what that are allowed to become they try their hardest to be best at.