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Yoga final


While doing the yoga I was feeling pretty sore. I worked out my legs yesterday and it was tougher than normal to hold the positions. Mentally I was feeling better than when I started class. After completing class I was definitely feeling more loose and better than I had earlier in the day. I felt like I had a big boost in energy and decided to work out right after class. .
             Day 3. On day 3 I did the following Asanas in order; 1. Uttanasana (standing forward bend with head facing up and hands touching feet) 2. Wrdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog) 3. Adho Muhka Svanasana (downward facing dog) 4. Virabhadrasana 1 (warrior one) 5. Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose).
             The Pranayama I did today was Villoma.
             The meditation I did was Mantra.
             Today I practiced yoga after my only class of the day. Physically I was feeling average before I started, but emotionally I was pissed off because of a really tough test that I just took. I knew that I should have studied more for it. Once I started doing my Asanas I began to calm down little bit and not feel as worried or care as much about the test as I did before. After completing my meditation I felt very relaxed, physically and mentally.
             Day 4: On this day I did the following Asanas; 1. Utkatasana (squatting pose) 2. Vrikasana (tree pose) 3. Setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge pose) 4. Gomukhasana (seated with legs crossed underneath and hands holding together behind the back) 5. Supta Virasana (laying on back with knees bent under).
             The pranayam I did today was Villoma.
             No meditation today.
             Today I was feeling pretty good before we started class. I had more energy then usual and I was in a good mood for some reason. During the poses I was feeling very good as well. I seemed to be doing the poses how I wanted to and felt really balanced. There was a good energy going throughout my body. After class I felt really pumped up and energized, sort of like I had a cup of coffee or caffeine pills.

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