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After I finished eating my snack grandma would help with my homework. When we finished that, she would let me go outside and play until my father came to pick me up. But, one day when I arrived at grandmas house I noticed that grandma stop making me snacks like she used to. I would have to go in the kitchen and try to make a sandwich on my own. That is when I notice that something was wrong with grandma. Grandma was sick. I thought maybe she had a cold and needed to take some cod liver oil, with a bowl of homemade soup. That's what she used to do for me. When I took a good look at grandma it looked like she was loosing weight. Her eyes where red and puffy looking like the cheese puffs she used to buy me for snacks. The house was messy like a tornado had gone through it. There was no food in the kitchen. Her hair was not combed and her face looked more wrinkled than I was used to seeing. I began to cry because I didn't want to see grandma lying in bed sick the way she was. Grandma opened her eyes and said, "stop crying son everything is going to be alright when I get up and going again. I"ll take you to Show Biz Pizza." So I began to get the sniffles while the tears stop running down my face and said okay grandma and kissed her on her forehead and said "I will huff and puff and blow your house down" and blew through her hair that was straggly and not comb. Two days had pasted and grandma had got so sick that she needed help getting out of the bed. My dad said that it is something wrong with grandma and we are going to have to send her to the hospital. That is when my heart dropped to the floor because the hospital was where people had tubes and needles stuck in them and sometimes they never come home. .
             My dad and I drove grandma to the hospital because her temperature was high and she was vomiting in the bed. Dad brought her to the hospital to get tests ran on her to see what was her sickness.

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