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" " (Lee, 83) The fact that ideas are misinterpreted erroneously is shown through the fact that Scout attacks Francis out of misinterpretation. Francis, who is the speaker, claims that the family name is shamed due to Atticus" defending of a coloured man. Scout does not know that the information is given to Francis by his grandma, an ignorant old woman. Francis has no intentions of insulting Scout, yet Scout misinterprets the information and punches Francis. The similarities of this quote from To Kill A Mockingbird links directly to the next quote, said by Bernard in the novel Brave New World. " He heard nothing, and for him, no one was coming. " (Huxley, 79). Second of all, Bernard's hatred for the community which he is forced to work in is linked to the fact he cannot relate, emotionally or physically, to the community. This is partially because of his misinterpretations on how the community can hear the "One" (God figure) whereas he cannot, because he is different. Bernard's hatred is based solely on the fact that he misinterprets the communities" ability to hear the noises, and fails to reason that the noise is a cause of alcohol and drugs. From these two quotes, one can identify that both characters show hatred physically or emotionally because of misinterpretations. Both these quotes clearly explain the concept of misinterpretation, but the next quote from To Kill A Mockingbird provides further support as evidence to the concept of hatred and misinterpretation. It is about the misinterpretations of an elementary teacher, and the drastic measures she takes out of anger. " If I could have explained these things to Miss Caroline, I would have saved myself some inconvenience and Miss Caroline subsequent mortification, but it was beyond my ability to explain things as well as Atticus, so I said, "You"re shamin" him, Miss Caroline. Walter hasn't got a quarter at home to bring you, and you can't use any stovewood.

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