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These studies together.
             identified and validated five independent dimensions of national culture differences.
             Power distance scores are high for Latin, Asian and African countries and smaller.
             for Germanic countries. Individualism prevails in developed and Western countries,.
             while Collectivism prevails in less developed and Eastern countries; Japan takes a.
             middle position on this dimension. Masculinity is high in Japan, in some European.
             countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and moderately high in Anglo.
             countries; it is low in Nordic countries and in the Netherlands and moderately low in.
             some Latin and Asian countries like France, Spain and Thailand. Uncertainty.
             avoidance scores are higher in Latin countries, in Japan, and in German speaking.
             countries, lower in Anglo, Nordic, and Chinese culture countries. A Long Term.
             Orientation is mostly found in East Asian countries, in particular in China, Hong.
             Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.
             2.0 Purpose of assignment.
             We would now analyse two countries UK and India with regards to Hofstede's model.
             of cultural difference taking into account his four primary dimensions namely; power.
             distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity and also long-term.
             orientation which was added later to the model.We would also be looking at the.
             advantages and limitations of this model to international managers and then would.
             come up with a conclusion. .
             3.0 Power distance .
             Power-distance refers to the extent to which less powerful members expect and.
             accept unequal power distribution within a culture" (Gould & Marcus, 2000:8).
             According to Hofstede, high PD countries tend to be politically centralised, with.
             tall hierarchies in organisations and great differences in status and salaries.
             Besides, respect and obedience to experts and supervisors is expected and even.
             desired. One the other hand, within low PD countries salaries and status vary.
             less and hierarchies tend to be flatter, while equality is both expected and .

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