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John F Kennedy assassination


There is the possibility that the gun case was empty, but the policemen should have taken more precaution considering that they know the President would be visiting the city that day. .
             That same day, a Mr. Lee Bowers Jr., a railroad tower man for the Union Terminal Company, was on duty and had the best view of the area directly behind the fence on the grassy knoll. He testified that there were three cars that passed through the area at least one-half hour before the shooting. All three appeared to be looking for something or someone. One of the cars was there at just seven or nine minutes before the shooting. Mr. Bowers also testified that there were two men standing behind the fence just before the shooting occurred. The description he gave of the two men was very similar to that of Miss Mercer's description given in her report. .
             Also, at the time of the shooting, a Mr. J.C. Price was on the other side of the Plaza at the top of the Terminal Annex Building watching the president. He said that after the shooting he saw a man with something in his hand running across the railroad tracks to the railroad cars. His description of the man was almost the same as Mr. Bower's description and Miss Mercer's. .
             After the shooting, approximately fifteen people, ten of which were police officers, began searching the area behind the fence on the grassy knoll for suspects. One policeman apprehended a man. when the man showed him that he worked for the CIA, he had to let him go. They also found a car backed up to the fence with shoe prints and mud on the bumper suggesting that someone had been standing on the bumper to look over the fence. .
             These are just a few of the reports that have been given describing how people saw what appeared to be other people involved in the shooting. All of the information just given, however, was not given full recognition by the Warren Commission because there is no mention of it in the Warren Commission's Report.

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