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Unbalanced Society


This shows that when you are to evil, you become corrupt and don't care what you do and you hurt people. In some extremes, such as Roger's case, you murder people for no good reason. Jack and Roger both didn't have balance and they both became corrupt. Society around them broke down and there was no order. .
             Secondly, you would think an excess of intellect or soul would be a helpful skill to have. This is not the case though. Piggy showed an excess of intellect but not to much emotion and evil. He was very knowledgeable but have a problem when trying to fit in. He was made fun of by almost everyone on the island. Piggy showing a lot of intellect and trying to be an adult figure, made him disliked in general by most of the children. The other children didn't understand him, and had no respect for him. Piggy was killed by the end when his intellect disagree with the strong evil in the others. There was no balance in both Piggy and the others, therefore society broke down. "I got this to say. You"re acting like a crowd ok kids.". "Which is better-- to be a pack of painted Indians like you are, or sensible like Ralph is?" "Which is better--to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?". "Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?"(Golding 180). This is right before Piggy was killed by Roger. He was showing his intellect and the other boys got fed up, so one of the boys, Roger, threw a bolder on Piggy's face. Simon represented Jesus on the island and shows he has a lot of soul. His excess of soul and lack of emotion and evil, made him unbalanced and society to become corrupt and break down. When Simon is talking to the Lord of the Flies, he gets deep and shows his soul side of him. He finds out that the evil isn't the beast but the evil is really within all of them. "I'm part of you.We're going to have fun on this island." (Golding 138). This is Simon talking with The Lord of the Flies, but it is really him talking with himself.

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