She also gives the example of how The Four Tigers--Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan--started making apparel, toys, shoes, etc mostly for export. Their national income climbed from about 10% to 40% of American income. And some welcomed foreign investors, but some shunned them and built industrial conglomerates of their own. However, the first stage of development had one constant, "It's always sweatshops" (Myerson 288) said Mr. Krugman, an American economist. .
In addition, some few benefits that sweatshops make available in developing or undeveloped countries are increasing job demand and starting new industries; however, sweatshops abuse Human Rights terribly. Human Rights are still the issue of most concern generally and in the Business field individually.
If a sweatshop is the first step to get a nation to develop, why do they exist in the U.S, a nation known as wealthily developed, specially in Los Angeles" garment industries? This reality will be revealed in an interesting article of Maria Angelina Soldatenko. It will serves as an evidence of the existence of sweatshops in the U.S. Maria Angelina Soldatenko mainly reveals the existence of "Third World conditions" in Los Angeles garment shops with low payments, health problems, mistreatments, etc. Many people come to the U.S with a dream of living better, but according to Aracely, a Los Angeles sweatshop worker:.
We come here and they treat us like dogs. I"m always scared. The supervisor yells, and creams at me and I start remembering the others who were worse. I"m traumatized when I see they yelling and screaming. When the woman raises her voice, I"m immediately start shaking because I"m very scared. Sometimes I get very, very desperate, but I know I have to keep up the struggle because I have children. We suffer a lot in this country, too much. (Behind The Label).
According to that, who could agree the concept of "a sweatshop is the first step for a nation to develop"? Isn't it just a clumsy excuse for sweatshops" existence?.