The primary way a person may transmit this disease is through sexual intercourse, but the disease is also transmitted through blood and bodily fluids. People with this disease are more susceptible to certain types of cancers and other rare diseases. AIDS may not show up during the person's entire life, but will be passed down through the generations. This disease can be avoided if unmarried people just controlled themselves. .
Another very serious sexually transmitted disease is syphilis. This is a three-stage disease that starts in the first stage as a red, hard, sore on the vagina or penis. In the second stage the sore has healed but has sent bacteria throughout the body which causes fever, headache, loss of appetite, swollen neck, armpit, and groin glands. Small red bumps appear that do not itch and lots of other skin conditions may appear. In the last stage, your earlier symptoms disappear and unless a blood test is taken you won't know you have syphilis. During this stage the disease causes brain problems, including senility, insanity, numbness in the legs, and rarely, blindness. Syphilis will sometimes even cause heart problems.
The last disease I will explain is a very common disease only contracted through sexual contact. This disease is gonorrhea, which is a bacterium, which affects the cervix of a female and the urethra of a male. Symptoms include painful urination, cloudy discharge, and discomfort in the vagina. Long-term affects for men are infections that affect semen production and narrowed openings making going to the bathroom difficult. Women may have sterility problems (loss of ability to bear children) and other infections. .
Although pregnancy is a blessing within a marriage, it is another problem that may affect men and women who do not practice abstinence. Society tells us that if you love your boyfriend or girlfriend you have sex with them. If you truly love them you won't.