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             To learn is to grow, and by complaining a person chooses not to grow. If a person does nothing but complain; then there is no time in their life to learn. Not only do complainers stifle their own growth but also the growth of the people around them, if a person in an enviroment is constantly complaining about their "problems" it might force them to complain about the complainer. Complaining in the workplace is a major problem that all employees are forced to face. Some times it will come from the top from a person such as a manager who suffers form a inferiority complex. When a manager complains he is expressing his lack of willingness to secede to another person for fear that he will lose his position of superiority to his employees. When complaining come from the general employees it is usually contempt for the managers or the "boss". Sometimes however it is caused by contempt for their job. Or possibly even the duties that they are forced to perform.
             Most complaints are repetitive; and do not solve the problem, only express uneasiness with one. Complainers live within the problem, not trying to overcome the problem. Complainers try to get people to do what they want to do but can't. Most of the time the lack of success of a complaint comes from the direction of the complaint itself. To often the complaint is directed at the wrong person IE: When a co-worker complains about how unfair his boss is. If this person wanted to overcome his/her problem he/she would go to their boss and express their disgust. A chronic complainer might have a problem within themselves that they do not know how to cope with. .
             Complainers don't like to accept that their position on a situation might not be the correct one. Maybe what they think is the reason why they are still faced with a problem and have yet to overcome it. Certain thought processes may be the cause; maybe it is that certain people are programmed to think this way.

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