" So his supporters and he capture the government leaders of the state of Bavaria and Hitler declared himself the new political leader of Bavaria. All seemed well until the police fired on him, and his "revolution" was stopped.
Hitler was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but only served 9 months. During his short stay in prison, Hitler formed his mad ideology which consisted of many things including his racial hierarchy with the Germans, or what he called the "master race," at the top followed by the other races with the Jews outside the entire circle as an enemy of the Germans. He felt that Germans were entitled to spread their influence and gain territory and also to enslave "lower" races. He felt the Jews, an enemy of Germany, were to be eliminated. He felt that once German was in control of Eastern Europe's resources and the Jews gone, "The 3rd Reich" would be able to defeat all other nations and could control the world. .
When Hitler was released from prison he slowly started to re-build the Nazi party. It grew slowly from 1924 to 1929. Then, another catastrophe hit Germany and unemployment hit a peak of 43%. Hitler once again saw his chance and stepped up to the plate. He promised Germans a return to the old ways and a bright future where poverty would be a thing of the past and everyone would have jobs. He was constantly misjudged by his political opponents until it was too late and he became Prime Minister in 1933. As quickly as he came into power, he weaseled his way up into the government using his newly found power and military power to get what he wanted. He was appointed president and had that name abolished and all power given directly to him. All other political groups were dismantled and those that showed resistance disappeared. He instilled fear in all who lived under him, even his Nazi officials who even spied on each other and informed Hitler of possible traitors.