Since education is available to everyone, it must be available everywhere. Institutions of education should be placed in central locations so it is easily accessible to all children. This is need for school in a central area is shown when Hippolyte is trying to figure out where the school will be built, "So it had been necessary, to satisfy to satisfy everyone, to locate the school as much as possible at the same distance from all the farms."(Roy, 35). Although Hippolyte decided to construct the school close to the house due to extraneous factors such as convenience and practicality, he himself said that it would be best to have the school in a central location. Canadian society and the way it currently subsists would not be present today if education were not placed at such a high priority. This is portrayed when Roy says, "It was certainly by means of education that a nation came into being."(Roy, 32). This shows the effect that the government's focus on education had on its people, for its emphasis on education is attributed to the building of such a great nation. From this one can see the strong emphasis placed on education by the government in Where Nests the Water Hen and how effective the government was in providing education to everyone and everywhere. Due to its great importance, the government should stress the delivery and methods of education because the method is just as crucial as the education itself.
It is the responsibility of the government to provide good and qualified teachers that are interested in their job. The task of a qualified teacher can be seen when Luzina talks about the duties of teachers and children "To each his task in life: to the teacher, the explaining; to the children, the learning"(Roy, 53). This shows that in order for children to learn, it is crucial that the teacher is able to explain properly. A good education is one that is learnt interactively and entertainingly.