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             Heroin is becoming more popular partly because the cost of it is beginning to fall. "The amount of pure heroin that could be obtained for $100 tripled between 1988 and 1995." (www.personalmd.com). You can get approximately 318.2 milligrams in New York for $100. This is making the drug more accesable to more people, especially children. .
             Heroin is made from morphine that is naturally extracted from the poppy plant (www.factsaboutdrugs.com). This drug is snorted, smoked and injected. Injecting directly into the vein will get you the fastest results which is 7-8 seconds, intramuscular injection will take 5-8 minuets. When it is sniffed or smoked it takes 10 to 15 minuets to feel the effects (wwwwhitehousedrugpolicy.com). Just as there are differences in how long it takes to feel the effect from heroin it also comes in many different colors.
             Heroin is sold as a brown, black and more commonly in a white substance. In former years it was rare to get heroin as a white substance, but today it is being seen a lot more. The difference in the color shows the difference in the purity. The white is the most pure, but can also be cut with other substances or drugs. The article Street Heroin Purification by Steve Quest tells a precise way of purifying heroin. Some people purify heroin because if it is cut with other drugs or substances such as glass, foil, and dirt it may cause other damage other than what damage the drug alone will do (www.nida.nih.gov). This article describes in depth ways of taking the glass ect. out and leaving the drug in. Once the drug is purified then it is taken.
             In the article How to Shoot Heroin all you need is alcohol swabs, a syringe and the bottom of a soda pop can. The can is cleaned with the alcohol swab, and then the heroin is put in the can. Then you use the syringe to suck up water and put it in the can. Then the can is heated from the bottom and then injected into the body (leda.

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