In my essay I aim to report on whether nuclear weapons are or are not justified for use to kill soldiers or civilians in war or peacetime. I have no dedicated decision on this I am undecided.
On the 4th of August 1945 an American bomber dropped the first atom bomb on the city of Hiroshima in Japan a few days later a second device was dropped on another Japanese city Nagasaki these weapons lead to the Japanese surrender and killed around one hundred thousand Japanese citizens. Since then no Nuclear weapons have ever been used except for testing. Now over fifty years later at least eight of the world's largest powers have been confirmed to have nuclear capabilities. And many more are not confirmed or suspected to be trying to make these weapons. In total these weapons are so powerful they could destroy our planet several times over the question I aim to try and answer is should these weapons be allowed to exist and constantly be on standby to annihilate every human being on the planet.
Britain is one of the smaller nuclear nations only having around 700 warheads of varying sizes which are measured in mega-tonnes the equivalent 1 megaton is 1 million tonnes of TNT explosives. All of our country's nuclear weapons are mounted on trident class nuclear submarines based at Faslane on the firth of Clyde. Only one of these vessels is active carrying nuclear weapons at any one time poised to strike a target anywhere on the face of the planet. But even from the safety of the base in Scotland these weapons can strike almost half of the globe effectively.
The United States on the other hand is the largest nuclear power with anywhere between 27 and 35 thousand (estimate) separate nuclear weapons. This alone has cost the equivalent of 21 thousand Dollars for every one of the 230 million citizens in the United States which adds up to a massive 4.83 Trillion Dollars since the nuclear revolution of the late 1940's.