Power is defined as 'the ability to influence or control envents' (Folger, Poole, Stutman, 120) the main conflict that will be explored in this essay will be when Jay and his family are exiled from Uganda in a purge of Asians. The main characters for this conflict are: Okela, Jay, Jay's wife and Mena.
Okela had a great deal of power in the movie. One of his main sources of power was 'control of knowledge and information'. For example, he was the one to explain to Jay why he had to leave Africa. In the textbook, the author explains 'individuals have power when they have access to ressources that can be persuade or convince others, to change their course of action, or to prevent other from moving toward their goals in conflict situations.' (120) Okela used that power to prevent Jay and his family to get in conflict with the African governement by explaining to him that he had to leave the country. Okela also used a great deal of communication by expressing his true feelings to his best friend. He used the power source of 'structure, rules and regulations'. Here, we are aware that his course of actions are not based on his personnal feelings but on the rules that the country imposes on the people. In this conflice, Okela already had the power over Jay because of his race. Being a black African, and living in his country gave him more power. Because of the circumstances, Okela had more power sources that disempowering sources. However, one very important one that he had was 'the fear of losing'. He was obliged to put himself in a situation where he was risking his relationship with his best friend Jay.
One of Jay's main power sources was his profound conviction. he strongly belived that he belonged in Africa. Africa was his home and that gave him the strenght and pwer to fight for what he believed in. He also had the 'ability to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity' . The reason for this is because he was never sure if he was going to be able to move back to Africa and everyday, he had to live with that fact.