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The Soul


A proper example is the realm of consciousness versus unconsciousness. When we sleep, or any time when we are rendered unconscious for one reason or another, we do not see or think about what we are doing. However, it is logical to say that we still have the ability to think and the ability to see; we just cannot perform with those abilities at the current time. If we cannot use those abilities, but they still remain in our selves, then there has to be some interior thing that always holds these special "powers." The same can be applied to animals and plants, although we cannot be certain plants sleep; both still have the innate ability to function when dormant. How do we know for certain that a soul exists in every one of us? Being the scientific culture we are, basing everything on data and observations, we find it perplexing to think about the soul. However, just because we cannot see it, taste it, or touch it, doesn't mean it isn't present. We cannot see many things we know exist; we cannot see love, we cannot touch guilt, and we cannot taste friendship, but we know that we possess each of those feelings. The fact that a human soul, let alone any soul, is not tangible is no reason to doubt its existence. Without a soul, a body (whether human, plant, or animal) is without definition; it is simply a mass of matter. Man's soul in particular is what gives him character and makes him who he is. Thinking of a human without a soul is similar to thinking of a flashlight without a battery; it cannot function and is simply a mass of plastic. Many different philosophers had differing opinions of the view that a body is functionless without its soul.
             One famous philosopher, Descartes, made soul and body so distinct from each other that he and his followers had trouble uniting them; this gap between soul and body is referred to as the "mind-body-problem." Descartes, referred to as the Father of Modern Philosophy, compared man to a machine and its driver, the body being the machine and the soul being the driver.

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