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             Alcohol is a major problem in our society today. It has become a leading cause in a lot of problems that go on in households, the streets, work, and while driving. Alcohol causes people to get drunk, if they consume enough of it .When people get drunk they become very violent, loud, rowdy, disoriented, and they do not have any sense of coordination. It is like when they try to walk they are stumbling everywhere. They also try to fight anyone in sight .Alcoholics will even hurt your feelings. It has always been said "To find out what a person really thinks get them drunk." So that's why I think if you choose to drink that you drink responsively.
             Most people might not know this but alcohol is a drug, it is a depressant. Alcohol slows the brains activities and the activity of the spinal cord. Alcohol rapidly enters the bloodstream and circulates to various parts of the body in a few minutes. Depending on how much the person weighs, what type of alcohol they drink, and how fast they drink it will result in a much quicker intoxication. .
             What is alcoholism? Alcoholism a chronic illness marked by consumption of alcoholic beverages at a level that interferes with physical or mental health, and social, family, or occupational responsibilities. Alcohol dependence or .
             Alcoholism is the most severe form of alcohol abuse. .
             Alcoholism is a type of drug addiction. There is both physical and psychological dependence with this addiction. Physical dependence reveals itself by withdrawal symptoms when alcohol intake is interrupted, tolerance to the effects of alcohol, and evidence of alcohol-associated illnesses. Alcohol affects the central nervous system as a depressant, resulting in a decrease of activity. Even a low level of alcohol within the body slows reactions. Concentration and judgment become impaired. When you consume excessive amounts, intoxication or poisoning can be results.
             Why do people drink? People drink for positive and negative reasons.

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