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Club Drugs


Because it comes in pre-sealed bubble packets, many think that the drug hasn't been tampered with, which isn't always the case. Effects of the drug may begin in thirty minutes and last up to eight hours. It has the ability to incapacitate its victims and cause memory blackouts, which is why Rohypnol has been classified as the date rape drug. Rohypnol causes physical dependence, and has withdrawl symptoms ranging from headaches to hallucinations to convulsions. Immediately stopping Rohypnol use can result in seizures and possible death. .
             The newest and most dangerous of the club drugs is GHB. In the 1980's, GHB became available in health food stores for the purpose of a supplement for body-builders. The negative effects of the drug were discovered in the 1980's and it was taken off the market. In the year 2000, it was finally classified as a Schedule I drug, which is the most dangerous. Other Schedule I drugs include heroin and cocaine. GHB is a colorless, odorless liquid, which makes it near impossible to distinguish from water. It is also found less commonly in pill form. The chemical compound Gamma Hydroxybutyrate is also known as liquid ecstasy and grievous bodily harm (Nealis, 2002). .
             Earlier this year, the Food and Drug Administration approved GHB for medicinal use to treat a rare form of narcolepsy. Many people dispute this decision because of the high abuse potential that this drug carries with it. Others say that governmental regulation of the drug will allow for safe use by medical professionals only. The availability of this drug is tremendous. Internet companies sometimes sell a chemical compound known as GLB under the disguise of a household cleaner. The compound GLB is similar to cleaning agents, except for the fact that when ingested into the body, it bonds with water molecules in your body and converts to GHB (United Press).
             An internet company by the name of Miracle Cleaning Products based in Jefferson County Missouri, is currently under investigation for the sale of GHB.

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