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The hospital began to bring about more human treatments. As did Benjamin Rush, America's first psychiatrist. He brought an even higher quality care to the mentally ill.
             During the late 1940's and early 1950's medications (meds) came along. These chem./o were created to help patients with the symptoms of the illnesses'. Today many of those same medications are still in use; although we still don't know the causes of the major illnesses (e.g. maniac depressive, clinical depression, or schizophrenia).
             Bipolar disorder falls under the classification of maniac depression. Within the encephal/o there are a cras/o of tri chemicals, which keep the ment/o functioning correctly. When one of those chemicals is depleted or nonexistent, irregularities occur which affect the production and release of hormones; along with imbalances in the ways the brain communicates with its self. People who suffer from Bipolar experience such irregular shifting cycles between sever depression and upward manic periods.
             How or why Bipolar occurs is still unknown, but we have learned a few things about the illness. Bipolar usually develops in the late teens and/or early adulthood; and according to the article "Bipolar Disorder,"" only 1% of dem/o over the age of 18 are diagnosed with it. It normally is genetic, pasted down from generation to generation. The American Psychiatric Association sites that from 80-90% have a relative with either depression or bipolar (4). This nos/o unfortunately can and sometimes does go undiagnosed for many years, which makes recognizing Bipolar so important. .
             Bipolar has its own unique features. The article "Health Guide A-Z"" states that "Those who suffer from it experience episodes of depression and mania; which may be caused from brain chemicals called neurotransmitters"" (1). Some of the problems also stem from the endocrine not working correctly in older adults. Idilo with bipolar also experience a neurological disorder with poor hem/o rrhea to the brain.

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