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HR in the Workplace


A diversity-driven work environment can also result in fewer discrimination charges and lawsuits (Arthur, 1998).
             Having a diverse workforce is critical in companies that target a diverse customer or consumer base. With changing demographics in the United States and many businesses operating internationally, it makes good business sense to have a workforce that reflects the needs of the organizations diverse customers.
             Committing to diversity must be made by everyone beginning with upper management. Executives must emphasize that diversity is a business issue, and not some altruistic cause to be given lip-service. If senior management is the only group committed, diversity will remain a goodwill gesture and never receive bottom line focus (Arthur, 1998).
             To truly understand and appreciate Mexicans and their role in workplace diversity, we must analyze what makes them who they are. What in-born characteristics must we appreciate and what stereotyping and/or discriminative ideals must we alleviate to successfully implement them into the workplace?.
             Mexico has a high power distance that has been formed throughout its history. The Aztecs, Mayans, and the Spanish missionaries have made a lasting impact on Mexico's hierarchal system. In Mexico today Managers act like a father to the business with the employees` seen as children. Because of this, Mexicans are considered to have a high Power Distance, which is the distance between the manager and his employees. The manager is to nurture a warm and personal environment much like a father would for his family. In response to receiving such an environment the employees are expected to give the manager complete respect and are not to question the managers decisions. .
             Secondly, there is strong uncertainty avoidance in Mexico. We are able to see how the Mexicans deal with uncertainty of the future by looking at the systems that help us come to grips of life's uncertainties.

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