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Travel Writting in the Victorian Age, a Woman's Perspective


This part of her essay shows us that our roots of equality, freedom, pride and independence as Americans are deeply twined in the beginning of our nation. Frances cannot find "servants" or "help" because American women think that any kind of poverty is better than being someone's servant. Maybe the American woman saw servile positions as demeaning because they were most often held by slaves, who they considered less than themselves. When she finally finds "help" it was in the form of an ungrateful girl who stayed at the job until she couldn't get anything else out of the family. When Frances denies her access to her clothing she backlashes telling Frances that "you English thinks we should poison your things, just as bad as if we was nigurs." This statement reinforces my point that American women did not want to take on service positions even if they paid more than factory jobs because they thought it was demeaning.
             Frances's views on American social events and amusement were of the same light as her views on everything else so far. Women stand on one side, men on the other; there is no conversation to make mention of. Social events are described as a almost forced when she says that it seems the people return to the drawing room and sit together as long as they can bear it and leave. In her opinion the people of Cincinnati have no means of amusement. Cards and billiards are forbidden by law, they hold neither balls or concerts, nor any dinner parties to speak of. Frances is I am sure by now regretting her trip to the States vehemently. She cannot find any of the areas of leisure she is used to like cafes, or theaters. She notices that the places of worship are the places "where the Ladies of the town are to be seen in full costume." Her sarcasm becomes more evident with her joke about the bonnets being made into a bonfire was it not for church, because she found no other use for them.

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