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             affection, closeness and communication. Passion deals with physiological arousal.
             Commitment is the decision to love a person and stay only with that person. When one.
             element is lacking it is hard to be involved in a sable relationship. It is very rare when.
             all elements are combined but when they are a healthy relationship is formed and will.
             be most successful.
             Their are eight different kinds of love. They are nonlove, liking, romantic love,.
             fatuous love, infatuation, companionate love, empty love and consummate love. They.
             different kinds of love are made up by having different combinations of the elements of.
             In my own life I have experienced many of the eight kinds of love. In my most.
             recent relationship I was feeling empty love. I was lacking intimacy and passion in my.
             relationship but I was very committed to my boyfriend. We only lasted four months.
             together because we were missing key elements. I have also been involved in.
             Infatuation. After the passion started to subside the relationship ended because there.
             was nothing to hold it together. The love I experience the most is liking. I have many.
             close friends who I care very much about and enjoy their company but I have no.
             passion or commitment for them. Sadly I have never experienced Consummate love. I.
             think it must be difficult to find a person who you can share all of this with.
             I really enjoyed reading this article. I strongly agreed with the statements about.
             love. I think I will be able to identify my relationships more accurately now. I now know.
             the factors that a relationship needs to be successful. I am going to apply these to my.
             own life.

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