While Cummings fought in World War I, he experienced first-hand the chaotic destruction during battle, and later carried his personal beliefs of freedom to protest against the glorified view of war that Americans embrace. In one of his most famous works, "plato told," Cummings cites other famous historical figures who have warned against war, but ironically, he paves his way in becoming an icon himself through his protest. Among the names mentioned in the poem are Plato, Jesus, and Lao Tsze, who were all known as founders of philosophy and religion that are still practiced and referred to today. Also cited is General Sherman, who was known for his Civil War attack on Atlanta, where he shouted "War is all hell," while he plowed through a southern civilian town during his raid. 1 These names create a forewarning of destruction and chaos to the main character, whom Cummings simply mentions as "him". One example of this pattern is.
" plato told.
him: he couldn't believe it (jesus.
told him; he wouldn't believe it)." 2.
Beside the more obvious message of the poem, a deeper meaning is hidden within the structure of this line. "Plato told," stands by itself in a short spurt and draw the reader's attention, as if Plato is going to speak again. Then, the next like "him," answers its own question: to whom is Plato speaking? The incorporation of Jesus sneaks into the verse quietly, as if society doesn't address Jesus" messages as a protest to war. Instead, we see his teachings spanning other topics, as thus, Cummings uses the subtlety of parenthesis to show how our culture ignores a symbol as powerful as Jesus if he conflicts with tradition social perceptions, like war. However, the question of the main character, "him," lingers through the next stanzas, until Cummings strikes with:.
"sir) it took .
a nipponized bit of.
the old sixth.
el; in the top of his head: to tell.
him." 2.
During the early 1930s, the United States traded steel with Japan, which explains the use of "nipponized," which is a derogatory term for something that is Japanese.