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Foreign exchange programs


            How can you feel fulfilled when you only know the typical American way of life? Because many people do not get to see other cultures, I believe that traveling on a foreign exchange should be mandatory for every high school student to experience sometime during their life school years. I do not see how anyone can live their life without seeing how other places live, what differences there are from American culture to other cultures, and truly experience a different way of life. By being given the opportunity to travel, it enables people to achieve a different perspective on the world. Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. That is, only through exploring new things can one open their mind to new ideas. Although some people may be afraid to travel so far away from home, it is worth it in the end. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing. Living a life full of the same old routine is the safe way to live, yet in order to really live an interesting and intriguing life, it is necessary to take risks, like traveling to a new place. The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, bu to walk on the earth. There are so many amazing things to be discovered about the earth. It is important to take advantage of the millions of amazing and wonderful things. Why stay where you are forever? Now go out and see what the earth has to offer you. .

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