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Java vs c++


             Both Java and C++ are object oriented programming languages. Object oriented programming emphasizes data. Object oriented programming attempts to fit the language to the problem; in other words, OOP is structured to produce an answer without changing the question. Object oriented programming involves two separate parts, class and objects.
             Class is a specification that describes a new data form, it s a template that defines how an object will look and behave.
             An object is that particular data structure constructed using the parameters defined by class.
             Java is just a more simplified version of the latter. Java has a C++ like syntax, but it is more purely object oriented. This is a problem with C++, it's no longer a factor with Java, due to the fact that Java has a built in garbage collector. Another difference is that Java, unlike C++, does not contain pointers. A pointer is a variable that tells a computer where data is placed. Java does not have an explicit pointer type; instead, it passes all arrays and objects by reference. Another way java differs from C++ is by command line arguments that are passed to a Java application are different in number and type than those passed to a C or C++ program. For example, when someone starts a C++ program, the system passes two parameters to it: argc- the number of arguments in the command line, and argv- a pointer to an array of strings that contain the arguments. When a Java application is started, the system passes only one parameter, args- an array of Strings that contain arguments.
             Java and C++ each have their own advantages. C++ a solid, mature, mainstream tool, and it has widespread industry support making it "good' from a business perspective. Many companies and government sites that use C++, and the number of C++ developers doubles every year. From a business perspective, C++ has many benefits. Like it has a huge installed base, is also becoming standardized, there are American and international groups working closely with each other to develop a standard C++ language.

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