Picture two women dressed in business suits, resumes typed and in hand. They are both applying for the same job. Both women appear to be equally qualified. The only difference is that one of them is computer literate. The other woman has very little knowledge of computers. Who do you think will get the job? If you guessed the woman with the computer skills, then you are more than likely correct. .
It is impossible to function without a general knowledge of computers and how they work. They are everywhere. Some people use them to complete schoolwork. Other people use computers at work everyday. They are used for entertainment, to make reservations, to find the best prices on hotel accommodations, and for shopping. There is very little that you can't do by computer. Lacking the necessary computer skills can definitely limit a person in many ways. .
The advancements that have been made in computer technology are amazing. The Internet comes to mind. Imagine that you have been given an assignment. You must write a paper on world hunger. The first step will be to research your topic. This could be done two ways. The research could be done at the library. You could use the card catalogue to try to find books on your topic. This could take hours. Another option would be to use a computer to surf the web. With the use of a search engine, in just second, hundreds of sources on world hunger are only a click away. This method saves so much time. However, using the computer might seem like more trouble than its worth for someone without the necessary computer skills.
My mom works for the state of Louisiana as a Support Enforcement Officer. They keep all of their records on the computer. She is required to use a computer at work everyday. Before this job, turning the computer on seemed difficult for her. She has learned a lot. But, she still struggles. She says that so much of her time is wasted because she doesn't know how to do something.