He discovered the internal clock of cells that tell it haw many times it can divide. Now there can be no limit on how many times cells divide. "Some work indicates that human cells given a copy of the telomerase gene can divide indefinitely, a step toward immortality on a cellular scale- (Kristof, "Where is thy sting?-, 2003). But how exactly do we get from DNA to D.H.C?.
One of the most important issues in Brave New World was genetic engineering - whether Victor Frankenstein should have ever created the monster. And the talk of creating human organs to transplant is a little reminiscent of the concepts in Aldous Huxley's novel. "Genetic engineering is the scientific manipulation of genes and genetic mechanisms, with the aim of controlling the heredity or characteristics of an organism- (Karp, Threat or Promise? 1976, pg 4) and is largely a concern for Aldous Huxley as it is now. Death is caused by an accumulation of genetic errors, so, now there could possibly be unlimited genetic manipulations and unlimited super humans. The labs that tamper with genes for the purpose of immortality, that are described in worldwide articles and research theses, dangerously resemble some of Huxley's visions. The embryos in Brave New World, sat in test tubes by the thousands waiting to be manipulated and born into a hierarchical society. The amount of oxygen the embryos are exposed to decides their intelligence and therefore their status in society. This controlling of human genes, goes stems from fiction and takes us "out of the realm of mere slavish imitation of nature into a much more interesting world of invention- (Huxley, Brave New World, 1969, pg13). This scene of world leaders, an elite group of Alpha's, and laboratory manipulations to create self-chosen types of human beings is what Huxley was hinting at. By making Epsilons, humans that are less intelligent, in order to be better workers, is taking control of their destiny and their class - a power scientists today are learning with violent mice.