As a seventeen year old in the year 2003, I am most pessimistic about my future in the United States because the people of the U.S. judge people on a basis of what they do wrong instead of what they do right. Everyone has heard the saying "No one is perfect." This means everyone makes mistakes, and our population chooses to be bias about the wrong doings of others but not the wrong doings of themselves. .
The presidents of the U.S. are always scrutinized on what the have done wrong. The Bill Clinton sex scandal was brought to such a level of importance to everyone the Clinton might have been impeached. Bill and Hillary should have taken care of this situation privately instead of letting the whole United States and more know about it. Bill Clinton was one of the greatest presidents our country has ever had. Slick Willy was also criticized because when he was younger he smoked but did not inhale smoke from marijuana. To everyone in the U.S this made him look like a person who should not run our country; even though some of the people complaining do it themselves. If he has quit doing it, then he should not be judged on the bad mistakes of his past. Currently President Bush is running our country, yet they still managed to dig up some dirt about him from his younger years.
In conclusion the future of our country might or might not be like this in your opinion, but if our country continues to judge people on what they do wrong and not how they perform their duties. The U.S. will have a work force of people who have not done anything wrong ever, but not the people who are great at their occupations in spite of their bad decisions of their past.