In college, students set many goals just like in high school. Their minor goals are very similar to those of high school students. Students want to do well on assignments, get good grades on exams, and try to get things done early. When it comes to reaching major goals however, that is when learning to succeed in setting and reaching goals really comes in handy. If a students goal in high school was to earn straight A's and they gained to self-discipline to do it then the student will carry the self-discipline along with them in college helping them do well in their classes. An example of a major goal in college is wanting to get a very good job once the student graduates. Well, to get a good job, the student most likely needs to do well in classes and not slack off. This includes having to reach minor goals on the way to reaching the major one. The goals a college student wants to achieve would be much easier if they stuck to reaching goals in high school. To reach goals however, high school and college students both need to be able to manage their time well. .
Managing time is also a determinant in how well a student does in school. Once a student reaches high school level they realize that he or she does not have the large amount of free time they used to have. Sometimes students play sports, which means they must go to school, practice, games, and make time to study. These days, many high school students have part-time jobs as well. The need to manage time well when a student plays sports is similar to a student who works. If a student has had a long night at practice or work, chances are they won't feel like doing homework or study when they get home. Therefore the student needs to plan a schedule that allows them time before work/practice to finish their assignments. Instead of going home from school and turning on the tv, students should go home, sit at their table or desk, and finish their homework, that way when they return home from work or practice they can feel free to relax, or talk on the phone, or do whatever they feel like doing.