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Religion with Human Personality and Moral Values


             The most basic value propagated by Hinduism is Dharma. To violate or go against one's Dharma is a great sin. Dharma is one's responsibility in life. This responsibility has to be done to the outmost of one's ability and sincerity. For example, as a child, one's duty is to respect and honor one's parents. This duty should be carried out with a joyful heart, and without expecting anything in return. This, will help an individual to carry a sense of responsibility, and will prevent them from deviating from their path. If every individual had a sense of Dharma in him or herself, then there would be no cases of child or parental neglect, neither will there be any need for social welfare institutions such as orphanages and old folks" homes. .
             Ahimsa is another basic value propagated by Hinduism. Ahimsa is love for every living soul, be it human or animal and not wishing or intending any of these souls harm. Ahimsa, in my opinion is greatly lacking in today's society. If there was indeed Ahimsa, then we would not be experiencing horrors such as the recent Bali bombing. One need not go as far as the bombing in Bali to see a lack of Ahimsa today. One need only scan through the local newspapers to find enough proof of a severe lacking of love and reverence for other living beings. For example, the recent murder of Canny Ong, a young woman who was just reaching the prime of her life was cruel, almost bordering on inhuman. An individual who has Ahimsa in his blood however, would never dream of doing such harm upon other living beings. From animals to insects to plants, each form of life is revered. .
             Another (and one of the most important, in my opinion) value that Hinduism propagates is Stheyam, which means non-greed. Greed is the root of all evil on this Earth. Greed is what causes man to want more than what he has. Greed results in fights over land such as are going on in Sri Lanka now, between the Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankans.

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