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The Internet Has Not Narrowed Our Vision & Thinking


             The Internet has narrowed down the vision and thinking of the 21st century man?.
             The Internet is the most fascinating discovery of the century. It is a storehouse of information, a treasure trove of business opportunities and a guiding light for greater educational possibilities. Not to mention it is one of the most cost & time effective means of communication, banking and bill-paying. Students and teachers use it as an investigative tool. Physicians use it to learn more about the latest medical developments. Even journalists use it to find information for stories.
             My worthy opponents, however, argue that our vision and thinking is being hindered creativity is ceasing at this point, I would like to remind them that the "tailor-made" packages and software we use nowadays, do not materialise out of thin air. Someone, somewhere has made the effort to design them. Newer, better technology is coming into the market. There is stiff competition between the I.T. companies - and my opponents say "our creativity is being hindered" .
             We cannot blame the Internet for narrowed thinking. Infact, we can compare it with life itself All around us, are temptations to lure us. We see people smoking, drinking and indulging in a variety of other vices. Yet, do we give into such temptations? We exercise our right to choose. BUT, if we do give in to say smoking we have no right to blame the cigarette company for the resultant lung cancer! So it is with the "net. IF it is used as a media by SOME, to propagate false ideas and beliefs, it is up to us NOT to believe something blindly especially if we have no knowledge of what we are reading. You see, it's just like gossip with 1% truth, and 99% spice.
             You can do virtually everything on the "net .
             In the west, net schools have been launched By these means, students living in remote areas and even those who cannot afford to go through formal higher education can enroll in online sessions barring out discriminations of sex, caste or creed .

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