Many times a person will have the same dream multiple times which are referred to as recurring dreams. Recurring dreams are human's brains" way of telling them time and time again about something the dreamer really wants or needs. This want or need could be materialistic or emotional. Also recurring dreams could be reflecting problems that the human is experiencing now, which has reawakened in the unconscious mind.
Besides ESP and recurring dreams, there are another six types of dreams that occur in the unconscious mind during the dream state, which include clearing house, teaching, problem solving, precognitive, visionary and outside interference dreams. Clearing house dreams help to reduce stress from the day. These dreams help to clean out the input from the day along with the mental and emotional clutter. For example, these dreams may occur with someone in school, the night after an important exam. According to Bethards, visionary dreams come from the highest level of soul, God and concern spiritual growth. Visionary dreams may contain a personal message for the dreamer or an universal truth. As many know, many times a human's environment is not always as quiet as one would like when sleeping; this is where outside interference dreams come into play. These dreams are produced when something in a human's physical environment causes disruption to become involved in a human's dream story; for example, phones, barking dogs, television and/or listening to music. There are many types of dreams that help a human see the symbolic meaning of their life and help to better it by making their situation more clear.
"Even the most truth loving person can hardly relate a dream without exaggerating and embellishing it in some degree" (Jessen 547). Many humans do not remember they have dreamt at all while others have rarely forgotten a dream. There are many reasons why dreams are forgotten.