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Candide,now having his new-found appreciation for enlightened thought, realizes that he would have been happier in Eldorado. Eldorado was a place where Candide had once traveled to and found a society without established beliefs or classes and consequently was universally wealthy. "Court cases in fact were unknown. (Candide) inquired whether there were any prisons and his guide answered no. What surprised and delighted him most of all was the Palace of Science, where he saw a gallery two thousand feet long filled with mathematical and scientific instruments." (Voltaire, 82) Instead of remaining there, he left to continue his search for Cunegonde and regrets this greatly. .
             In the novel, Voltaire uses the character of Dr. Pangloss (meaning "everything" or "shine") who ironically is Candide's religious tutor, as the embodiment of the Church and its established beliefs as he accompanies Candide on his journey. Pangloss continuously attempts to force the Church's views onto Candide throughout the story. One example of this is the fact that after one of the many disasters that happened to them over the course of their travels, Pangloss said "Things cannot be other than they are, for since everything is made for a purpose, it follows that everything is made for the best purpose." (Voltaire, 20) This statement was used by the Church in an attempt to discourage the working classes from revolting because it states that anything bad that may happen to them is part of God's master plan and they should learn to accept it. That line of thinking was one of the major problems that the enlightened thought was aimed at destroying. Pangloss continued to portray this message when he responded to the death and suffering as a result of the earthquake at Lisbon by saying "For all this is a manifestation of the rightness of things, since if there is a volcano at Lisbon it could not be anywhere else.

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