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Is Telling the Truth on the Media


             "Just give me vision. Vision. Does big chiefee make himself cleary-cleary? I want to see soldiers with rifles. You know guns - big sticks that go boom boom.", the producer asserts to Mike, clearly conveying concern not for the reasoning and more socially and politically relevant aspects behind the Bougainville conflict situation but rather the 'need' for 'action' to be caught on camera; much similar to Mike's earlier attempts to construct a background atmosphere of danger by telling the soldiers in the background to pretend they're in a gunfight. Ultimately, however, these attempts in over-dramatizing a situation fail for the characters in 'Frontline' and they switch to what turns out to be a more successful story- one that stays close to the truth in fact. But in the end it is the benefits they reap which exposes what 'Frontline' sees as being what's really on the Media's agenda:.
             "We kicked arse. Hit the mark with the viewers, execs are happy, sales department's over the moon. You made these ratings." (Brian) And not once is it mentioned that the truth needs to be told.
             'Frontline', as a television series does not simply exaggerate the efforts of the media. As a satire, it actually stays within the realms of reality. Just recently (2003), during the US of A's war against Iraq had one portion of the Media exercise its ability to overdramatize, misinform and fool the general public, particularly with the aid of supporting media much like the characters from 'Frontline' had tried. .
             When American Private Jessica Lynch was rescued from an Iraqi hospital last April, the Bush administration and much of the US media was gripped by a dramatic tale of All-American heroism. And this is what much of the public exposed to the media at the time believed, until the truth was uncovered several months later. The public was shown footage, in night vision, of US Army troops 'courageously' storming the hospital, firing guns and neutralizing any threats as they whisked away their injured comrade Jessica Lynch from her hospital bed to the safety of a helipcopter.

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