Crop circles are unexplained patterns that are found in fields, over tree-tops, and in ice and snow and are mostly .
often found in wheat or corn fields, but have also been found in oat, rape (canola), and barley. They are a world .
wide phenomena and they have been mentioned in academic texts of the late 17th Century, and almost 200 cases - .
some with eyewitness- have been reported prior to 1970. Since then, some eighty eyewitnesses have reported crop .
circles forming in under twenty seconds; cases are often accompanied by sightings of incandescent or brightly-.
colored balls of light, shafts of light or structured flying craft. .
Serious attention was given to the simple circles in 1980 in southern England. The designs appeared primarily as .
simple circles, circles with rings, and variations on the Celtic cross up into the mid 80s. Then they developed .
straight lines, creating pictograms, not unlike petroglyphs found at sacred sites thoughout the world. After 1990 the .
designs developed in complexity, and today it is not unusual to come across crop glyphs mimicking computer .
fractals and elements that relate to fourth dimensional quantum physics. Their sizes have also increased, some .
occupying areas as large as 200,000 sq ft. To date there have been over 10,000 reported and documented crop circles .
throughout the world, with some 90% emerging from southern England. While many still go unreported each year, .
the emergence of the phenomenon in the world media has allowed more information to be lodged. .
According to TV documentaries, all crop circles up to 1992 were made by two simple, elderly men called Doug .
and Dave. It has since been discovered by researchers such as that the D&D story may have originated at the British .
Ministry of Defense - in collusion with the CIA, among others. Evidence supplied, suggested that the government .
had every intent to "cover up" the phenomenon by putting forward two hoaxers in an effort to quell growing public .